A little bit about me, Ashley

I am Ashley T. Johnson, an illustrator and storyteller based in Baltimore, MD, passionate about bringing the hidden gems of our journeys to life. Growing up primarily in Baltimore County, with relatives that resided in Baltimore City, which I moved to as an adult, I have had the privilege of experiencing a diverse, ever-changing, surrounding culture all my life. Being a black woman, I am surrounded by black people and black stories that aren't often told or are overlooked. I am proud and excited to see the culture around me shift to pulling those stories out and celebrating the people we are. As an illustrator and storyteller, I strive to contribute my own stories, the stories of my loved ones, and the stories of those who trust me to bring them to life to our collective cultural footprint.

During my journey as an illustrator, I have had the joy and privilege of working with author and poet Kezia Snipe. Our collaboration on her stories Close & Away and the upcoming book Can't Can't was a transformative experience that deepened my passion for children's book illustration. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to create characters that reflect the richness of my life and culture. The alignment of my first book project with my creative goals has solidified my path in this exciting journey.